PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a burning problem that has been associated with irregular menstrual cycles, heavier weight, excess facial and body hair, acne, increased risk of diabetes, reduced fertility, and several other issues. The early diagnosis and support with the supervision of a team of health professionals, especially a well-experienced Gynecologist in Jodhpur, can be beneficial.
In addition to that, management is also possible with a healthy lifestyle and certain medications. In this article, we will be breaking down the symptoms and the management strategies that will assist with the maintenance of the problem.
Understanding the Symptoms
Signs of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome include the following:
- Abnormal Hair Growth : You will be noticing excess hair growth, especially the facial or heavy hair growth on the arms, chest, and abdomen, which affects around 70% of the people with the problem. Irregular periods and abnormal menstruation, including missed periods or having no period at all, are some of the symptoms as well. In addition to that, some females also experience heavy bleeding during periods.
- Obesity : People with PCOS usually have obesity and find Trouble with maintaining the weight that will be considered healthy for them.
- Acne : the issue can cause acne, especially in areas like the back, chest and face, and it will continue past the teenage years, and sometimes it turns out to be challenging to treat.
- Skin darkening : patches of dark skin are very common with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, especially in the folds of the neck, groin, armpits, and under the breast.
- Thinning hair : people with PCOS usually lose patches of hair on the head or also start balding.
- Infertility : PCOS is one of the major causes of infertility among women. These women usually don’t ovulate regularly or frequently, which makes it difficult for them to conceive.
Diagnosis and Tests associated with PCOS
Dr. Renu Makwana Senior Gynecologist at Vasundhara IVF will assist a lot with the hormone tests to find out whether PCOS is the cause behind the excess hormone production or if it is due to another hormone-related condition. Ultrasound scan shows whether you have a high number of follicles in your ovaries.
In most cases, the healthcare provider at Vasundhara Hospital will diagnose the issue after an examination and discussing the symptoms. Also, you can get a blood test done or an ultrasound to help with the diagnosis
Rest assured that the health care provider will be talking with you regarding the symptoms and medical history and will be asking you about the biological family medical history. They will be taking into consideration the details regarding your Blood Pressure and weight. They will perform the physical examination, ensuring that they have information concerning the excess hair loss, discolored skin, and skin tags.
After that, they perform a pelvic examination to look for other causes that might be contributing to the abnormal bleeding. You can get a blood test done to check hormone levels and glucose levels. Right after that, they will begin conducting the pelvic ultrasound to look at the ovaries. Also, they go ahead with checking the thickness of the uterine lining and looking for other causes that are responsible for abnormal bleeding
Regarding treatment options available, you can get hormonal birth control, insulin sensitivity medicine, lifestyle changes, and medicine for blocking androgens. But in case you want to become pregnant now or in the future, you will have to consider other treatment options, including drugs to induce ovulation, in vitro fertilization, as well as surgery.
PCOS can be responsible for disrupting the woman’s menstrual cycle, making it very tough to get pregnant. Higher levels of male hormones are also the prime contributors to the unwanted symptoms, including hair growth on the face and body lifestyle. Interventions will serve as the first treatment options that will be recommended by the doctors. In addition to that, you will have to consider diet, aerobic exercises, and surgeries.