ESHRE advises that assisted reproduction treatments (ART) should not be initiated at present for the following reasons:
– To avoid complications from assisted reproduction treatment (ART) and pregnancy
– To avoid potential COVID-19 related complications during pregnancy
– To mitigate the unknown risk of vertical transmission in COVID-19 positive patients to the newborn.
– To observe the current recommendations of social distancing and avoiding unnecessary movements.
In cases of urgent fertility preservation in oncology patients or for other reasons, the cryopreservation of gametes and embryos should still be considered.
For those patients who have already started assisted reproduction treatment at the present time, elective oocyte or embryo freezing for later embryo transfer (freeze-all) is recommended.
Any risk of COVID-19 viral contamination to gametes and embryos in the IVF lab, either from infected patients or professionals, is likely to be minimal (if at all) because of the repeated washing steps required for the culture and freezing protocols. Regardless of the biological details, it is prudent to defer all elective fertility and laparoscopic treatments, primarily to maintain social distancing and prevent any community spread.
What about the already frozen embryos?
We, at Vasundhara hospital Jaipur, have a robust cryopreservation system in place to minimize the effects of the virus and public health measures on our patients and their stored eggs, sperm and embryos. That is the reason we have been trusted as the Best IVF Centre in Jodhpur. Embryology staff and embryologists wash their hands frequently, high touch surfaces are regularly sanitized, and foot-fall in the clinics is being minimized to necessity. During the Government lockdown period, all embryology staff regularly keeps checking the laboratory and liquid nitrogen cans, which are being continuously monitoring.
Minimizing COVID 19 VIRAL spread in future
Children, family members and friends will not be permitted to enter the hospital building. This is for the safety of both patients and hospital staff.
We encourage all patients and visitors to wear a simple cloth face covering or a face mask.
- Frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Avoid touching your face, eyes or mouth with hands frequently.
- Cover your mouth properly with a clean tissue when coughing or sneezing. Throw the tissue away, and then wash or sanitize your hands. If a tissue is not available, cough or sneeze into your elbow.
- Avoid handshakes and close contact
- Don’t share food/bottles
- We take care to clean our work area and high touch surface areas with disinfectant regularly/People who
are sick should avoid hospital visits.
After the government lockdown period is over, we will be open to plan your cycles after an initial screening or assessment.
We at Vasundhara hospital and fertility research center, Jodhpur understand the emotional rollercoaster that our infertility patients may be going through all added to the uncertainty of COVID-19.
We are with you always – and look forward to resuming your treatments very soon.
Follow the advised precautions from authorities religiously. Life will return back to normal soon and we will get you back on the path to treatment quickly. Our Indian community, long known for its toughness and resiliency – will overcome this evil.
We are here to support you during this tough time. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us through toll free number 0141-4940-493, email or WhatsApp in case you have any queries. If you want to know more click here Vasundhara Hospital Jodhpur