Azoospermia Diagnosis? Your Next Steps Now


Earlier, infertility was thought to be synonymous with problem in women’s reproductive system. But now it is very well known that 30 % of infertility can be attributed to male factors alone and another 30% where male factor is a contributing factor. For this reason, it is imperative that both the partners are evaluated during the first infertility work-up. For males, this is a simple basic semen analysis with 2-5 days of abstinence but may also need few hormone blood tests to check for hormone levels, chromosome analysis, and genetic screening in cases where initial semen testing is found abnormal. Sperm abnormalities may include low sperm counts, less motility or inactive sperms. It may even show defective sperm morphology or presence of antibodies or infection. It may range from minor abnormalities to a complete absence of sperms or azoospermia. Once you come to know about this condition, you feel devastated. The feelings of anger, frustration and guilt are obvious, also because these problems can’t be discussed with everyone or anyone. But remember, you are not alone. Every problem has a solution.

Once diagnosed with severe abnormalities in sperms or azoospermia, second step is evaluation to find out the cause.This includes problems in brain hormones, failure of testis to produce sperms and transport inside the male reproductive tract. Sometimes, obstruction in the reproductive system ducts may lead to azoospermia. Lifestyle can also contribute to infertility, such as smoking, excessive alcohol intake, junk food, stress and exposure of the genitals to extreme heat.

In some cases, male infertility can be treated with lifestyle changes where unhealthy lifestyle is a major role player and abnormality is minor. Other patients must undergo assisted reproduction techniques (ART) such as Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) or In Vitro fertilization (IVF) in order to achieve a successful pregnancy.

  • In cases where hormones from brain are deficient, supplementing such hormones from outside (FSH and LH) can lead to positive sperm production.
  • TESA/PESA/TESE : these are techniques where sperms can be retrieved from testis directly by putting a fine needle. It may be done under local or general anesthesia. The retrieved sperms can be used for IVF-ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection).
  • Use of donor sperms : This option is offered to the couple when there is complete failure of testis to produce sperms. However, in most of the cases, sperm retrieval is possible.

Vasundhara hospital and fertility research centre, Jodhpur is one of the best IVF centres in India and hold the repute of successfully dealing with azoospermia cases who had otherwise lost the hope of fathering their own genetic child. Always remember, infertility is not a stigma. It may happen with anyone and is more common than you think. Trust and believe that you may get through. To know more about male infertility and to get in touch with the best infertility doctors, book an appointment with us.

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