More and more couples across the nation are turning to the use of fertility treatments and seeking the help of assisted reproductive technologies as an aid to conceive. Very common query they have when reading about different options is What is the difference between IUI and IVF and what is the best option for us.

The answer isn’t always clear and depends on various factors. It is important to know that Intrauterine insemination (IUI) or In vitro fertilization (IVF) can both be successful mode of treatments if carefully selected. So, let us understand the basic difference between IUI and IVF.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI is a simple office procedure that involves collecting sperms from the husband, processing the semen sample after liquification to select the best sperms and placing the sperms inside the uterus of the female partner using a fine canula.  places sperm, collected from the partner and processed in the laboratory, into the uterine cavity. For detailed information regarding IUI please refer to our blog All About Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): What You Need To Know?

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

IVF is a form of ART (assisted reproductive technology) in which sperms from husband are made to fertilise with female’s eggs in the embryology lab under strict culture conditions and the resulting embryos are transferred inside female’s uterus using a thin Embryo Transfer catheter. For detailed information about IVF please refer to our blog on What is ‘In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)’?


We shall now discuss in detail about each and every aspect of IUI and IVF

  • Complexity of procedure. In IUI woman is mildly stimulated with tablets. In few cases, low dose injections may be required. Follicular monitoring by ultrasounds is done. Trigger injection is given when the lead follicle reaches 18 -22 mm size and IUI is planned 36 hours later. Prepared sperms are directly placed inside the patient’s uterus using a thin canula. IUI requires fewer injections and approximately 3-4 hospital visits. IVF, on the other hand, is a complex process which consists of several steps including controlled ovarian stimulation (daily injections for 8-14 days), oocyte retrieval, sperm preparation, facilitating fertilisation using conventional IVF or ICSI, and transferring the embryos formed after 3-5 days directly into the uterus.
  • Risk of multiple pregnancy. With IUI, risk of multiple pregnancies (twins or triplets) is very less. In an IVF cycle however, having twins is very much common. Although the rates of multiple pregnancies has come down drastically with the policy of single or double embryo transfer.
  • Success rates. It is not easy to quote the success rate in a general population as success rates are always individualised according to the couple, their history, specific cause for infertility.
  • IUI with ovulation induction: average success rates range from 8% to 15% per cycle and a cumulative rate of around 25-30% over 3 IUI cycles.
  • IVF with or without ICSI: average success rates range from 40% to 45% for patients under 35 years of age to 15% or less for women over 42.

To know more about the realistic success rates of IVF and the best IVF hospital in jaipur, please refer to our article on IVF Success Rates – VHFRC

  • Cost. An IUI cycle costs much less than an IVF cycle, and this is a matter of major consideration for many patients. However, every case is different. Some couple may have a good chance with IUI. For some going for an IVF directly is a much better option rather than wasting their precious time and money on IUI. Please refer to our blog on Cost of IVF in Jaipur


In some cases, IUI is a good option and should always be tried before resorting on to IVF. In such cases, three well planned IUI cycles can be as good as an IVF.

At least one fallopian tube needs to be open for the same. Cases that can benefit from IUI are:

  • Unexplained infertility
  • Mild male factor infertility
  • Endometriosis
  • Sexual disorders
  • Use of donor sperms
  • Geographical reasons (husband and wife not staying together for long)


  • Age> 35 years, low AMH (poor ovarian reserve)
  • Severe male factor
  • Blocked or unhealthy fallopian tubes
  • Previous three or more IUI failed
  • Prolonged infertility
  • Need for donor eggs
  • Surrogacy

Whatever option we choose, it is very important to select the best fertility centre where you can avail all the modern facilities like IVF-ICSI, IMSI, LASER hatching, blastocysts, cryopreservation according to your case.

Thousands of couples facing fertility issues from various parts of Rajasthan have been benefitted by the services of Vasundhara hospital. Vasundhara hospital Jaipur has emerged as the best IVF centre in Jaipur for all fertility related problems.

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