Best IVF Center in Jaipur

Are you facing fertility issues? Whom to see?

If you are confused about the right doctor to consult, this article may be of helpful for you..

If you have been facing fertility issues, then you would be knowing how difficult yet important is it to choose the right fertility specialist.

If one has just started seeking fertility assistance, then you must know how significant this first step is. What direction your doctor gives to your treatment will influence your whole journey till conception.

Before going into details about consulting the right fertility doctor, here’s important information that everyone should have.

In the initial stages when a couple decides to take assistance for planning a pregnancy, many females would go to their regular gynaecologists hoping that it could be something temporary. Not everyone would wish to directly consult a fertility specialist. And most of the gynaecologists would also try to do as much as possible with their limited spectrum of knowledge about fertility problems. They would try with some ovulation induction drugs freely available in the market, at times not combined with proper monitoring or trying with some antibiotics on an empirical basis. Only after subjecting a couple to a battery of investigations and procedure, once nothing works out, would finally consider referring to a fertility expert.

But that’s where you lose the goldenperiod!!  In India, the time a couple spends just making up their mind for seeking fertility assistance is already more than the recommended period of self trial. The percentage of conceiving reduces as your age increases and when you waste that valuable time trying the random treatments that some of the general gynaecologists try, you are actually missing the probability of getting pregnant. It is always recommended that you visit a doctor specialising in infertility management as soon as you understand that there might be a need for some sort of fertility assistance.


HOW TO CHOOSE The Right Fertility Specialist

To choose the right fertility specialist is the foremost step in increasing the chances of having a healthy pregnancy. There are many ways which can guide you in selecting the best fertility expert.

Ask for recommendations

Sometimes a family doctor or a known person who had faced fertility issues and has a firsthand experience can help us shortlist the right fertility centre. Sometimes patients who have wandered themselves in search of fertility solutions have a rich knowledge on this.

Take help from google

The Internet is a good resource to get a basic idea of searching and shortlisting the good fertility centres. Google reviews might also help to an extent. At the same time, beware of the fact that reviews can sometimes be biased or falsely modified by the company staff itself for the purpose of gaining publicity.

When researching about fertility specialists, feasibility and distance should be considered too. As fertility treatment needs frequent monitoring and if the doctor is in the other side of the city, then it may be difficult for you to go for appointments everytime and may cause more stress than benefit.

Is he / she the one?

From the list of final shortlisted fertility doctors, you have to decide the preferred fertility doctor to visit. You are going to blindly put your belief and future in someone else’s hands. Hence, think twice before zeroing in on one fertility specialist. 

  • Collect specific facts. Before visiting a fertility doctor, know all the details of the fertility doctor like experience, qualification, expertise and reviews.
  • See how approachable he/she is. If you are confident about the credibility, then when you are meeting the fertility doctor, see how much time and attention they give to you. It’s very important that you develop the confidence to confide in that doctor. Your doctor should give you enough space to ask your doubts and also should involve you in the process of decision making. Ultimately, you are the in charge of your own health and body.
  • Do your homework prior. You should visit as a couple and should feel free to ask the questions arising in your mind like what are the treatment options and what will be the best option for you. Also ask about what is the problem in your case.

Try to solve your queries there and then only!!

Assess the mood and behaviour of the fertility doctor: Doctor who tells the exact percentage of chances of success regarding conceiving in your specific case is genuine.

  • How trustworthy he/she is? Trust is something that cannot be forced upon, it has to be earned. If you are not convinced with the idea and plan your doctor has prepared for you, you can always take a second opinion from other fertility experts. Follow your gut feeling, don’t fall in the false trap of incredibly high success rates and ‘one for all’ kind of an approach. Here your homework pays off. Once you understand your case, you can yourself be a part of decision making.

In the end, the right fertility doctor can actually do wonders for you! The comfort level with your fertility doctor and your preparedness for the results can help you cope up with the treatment and stress better. It may look like a daunting task to choose the right fertility specialist, but all your efforts will be rewarded at the end of this journey.

Get More Info: –  IVF Center in Jaipur

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