A couple trying or planning for a pregnancy should consider seeing a doctor for a “preconception management” to review what you can do to optimize your chances of a successful pregnancy. For example, certain medications and habits like alcohol, smoking, tobacco intake are harmful to the developing fetus and should be stopped well before planning a pregnancy. Certain conditions like Thyroid problems, Diabetes, Hypertension should be well controlled before attempting to conceive. Also, few supplements like folic acid and antioxidants, if started for both the partners, can help achieve the goal of a faster conception and healthy pregnancy.
The recommendations mentioned below are aimed at preventing and reversing ovulatory infertility, which accounts for one-third of all cases of female infertility. These hold equally good for the male partner. These are meant for improving natural fertility in the form of better ovulation and correction of mild sperm abnormalities. However detailed evaluation and targeted steps are always advisable as problems like tubal factor infertility, uterine factors, severe ovulatory and sperm dysfunctions would need medical assistance. But one thing is for sure that a healthy lifestyle will never go wasted. It can not ensure a pregnancy but can definitely help improving results in most of the cases. Also, it’s virtually free, available to everyone, can be done at home, has no side effects, sets the stage for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, and forms the foundation of a healthy lifestyle not just for motherhood but for. That’s just like a win-win situation either ways
Avoid trans fats. These fats commonly found in junk foods like chips, cookies decrease chances of conceiving as well as have a negative impact on the heart and blood vessels. Say NO to TRANS FATS.
More fiber, fewer carbohydrates: Choosing foods that are rich in fiber, like whole grains, raw salads, leafy vegetables, whole fruits, and beans, instead of rapidly digested simple sugars can improve fertility by controlling blood sugar and insulin levels.
Drink lots of water: Drink plenty of water, that is the mantra.
Start pre-conceptional vitamins/ folic acid (with doctor’s prescription). Taking extra folic acid (recommended 400 micrograms a day but available as 5 gms) before you get pregnant could actually help reduce the chances of early pregnancy losses.
Drinks to avoid: Caffeinated drinks like Coffee, tea, and alcohol are okay in moderation but excess consumption at any one point or for a long duration is not as good as these have a cumulative effect. Avoid sugared sodas, packaged juices, canned drinks with artificial flavors and concentrated sugars.
Use proteins from a vegetable source: A serving of vegetable proteins each day with beans, peas, soybeans, kidney beans, chana/ roasted chickpeas, tofu, nuts can improve fertility.
Make it whole milk: If you drink milk, choose whole milk while trying to get pregnant, or full-fat yogurt every day.
Regular exercise to stay active and fertile. Daily exercise can help improve fertility, not just for overweight and obese but also for lean thin men and women.
Iron-rich diet. Extra iron from plant sources, like whole-grain cereals, spinach, beans, tomatoes, and beetroot, help boost natural fertility.
Weigh healthy. Weighing too much or too less can cause hormonal disturbances and disrupt normal menstrual pattern by impairing ovulation. The best range for fertility is a body-mass index (BMI) of 19 to 24.9. Try to achieve the targeted BMI rather than a target weight. Reducing 5-10 % of body weight over 6 months can actually help almost 50% women regain ovulation regularly. Also, obese women have a higher risk of complications.